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EMTA Committees


Awards Committee


This committee administers the EMTA Distinguished Service Award, which recognizes one of our members for their outstanding service to the Media Technology profession.

We encourage every member to participate in this important selection which brings recognition to our profession and distinction to the recipient.

This committee also obtains commemorative appreciation plaques for outgoing EMTA Board Members.

Sue LeBlanc, Madison-Oneida BOCES
Katie Bertrand: Monroe One BOCES



Media Literacy Grant Committee


Since 2007, the EMTA has awarded annual grants to New York state educators whose projects provide resources and services that correlate to state and national learning standards for instructional excellence and promote media literacy. Often, these grants support research projects or demonstration projects that can be replicated in other areas across the state and nation.


The Media Literacy Grant Committee reviews grant applications, usually in mid-May and determines two award winners from applications received. Recipients are notified by the Grant Committee chairperson on or around June 15 for projects to be undertaken the following school year.


Media Literacy Grant Committee members periodically edit and revise the grant application, as well as the application process. They stay current on trends in media literacy education. They seek to foster the relationship of media literacy to critical thinking skills and Common Core Learning Standards.


Meghan Gartland: Chairperson, Jefferson-Lewis BOCES




Conference Committee


Every spring, the NYS EMTA hosts an annual conference which provides professional development to members. We also host a corporate partner showcase which allows each partner time for individual member meetings. This is the only conference in the state which allows time for this level of personalized communication between members. The conference committee changes each year, but is chaired by the President-Elect.



Audit Committee


As outlined in our by-laws, an internal audit committee of at least three members as appointed by the President is required to perform an audit on the treasurer's books each year. 


2022-23 committee: Liesl Toates, Katie Bertrand, Andrew Austin, Molly Clark, Betsy Hartnett


© 2024 NYS EMTA. 

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